The TIE/IN starfighter, or TIE Interceptor, was a TIE Series starfighter used by the Galactic Empire and was identifiable by its arrow-shaped solar collection panels. The Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor was a short-range light starfighter used by the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars.
Delta - 7B Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor Top Speed: 1,300 km/h Length: 9.6m Class: Starfighter Appearances: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Top Speed: 1,250 km/h Length: 8m Class: Starfighter Appearances: The Clone Wars Top Speed: 1,250 km/h Length: 9.6m Class: Starfighter Appearances: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi The RZ-1 A-wing interceptor was a starfighter designed by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War and was one of the fastest mass-produced interceptors in the galaxy. STAR WARS THE FASTEST VEHICLES IN THE GALAXY There's no doubting that Star Wars boasts some of the most fascinating vehicles any of us could ever dream of taking a ride in and we all have our favourites, but which are the fastest? Here's a look at the fastest ground vehicles, speeders & starships as well as a couple of honorary mentions: STARSHIPS A starship was a vessel designed for interstellar travel, specifically between star systems and this group of vehicles includes the infamous starfighters, most commonly used for dogfighting. Transcribed The Fastest Vehicles In The Star Wars Galaxy